Our Mission

Bridges Global Missions was founded in 2010 as a dba under Bridges Community Economic Development Corporation (a California non-profit organization) to “bridge the gap” between a need for specific resources and the means to get them to those most in need. Since then, we have deployed medical teams to Haiti and the Philippines to respond to disasters and assist in the aftermath. Thereafter, our team’s focus has been to address prevailing needs, manage acute and chronic health care issues, and to assist in the management of epidemics (malaria, cholera, typhoid). As a mission group that adheres to the principles of being “boots on ground” our team assists in addressing issues that affect people’s lives on a daily basis, such as: access to clean water, education, malnutrition, economic opportunities, and health care(dental, infections, women’s and children’s health).

Since 2010, Bridges Global Missions has provided medications to treat epidemics/outbreaks resulting from disasters, thus saving hundreds if not thousands of lives. Through our mission efforts the team has provided dentistry and primary healthcare to thousands of patients. Other areas of focus have been to distribute water filters to numerous villages, and providing school supplies to hundreds of children who could not otherwise afford these items. An ongoing effort of our mission team has been to deliver food to families in need in unreached areas of the world. Our attention to economic opportunities has included sowing seeds into villages to support fishing and animal husbandry to create a sustainable endeavor that can provide a level of commerce to these areas which will impact their long term needs. In the last two years Bridges Global Missions has conducted health fairs in multiple villages in the Philippines with the intent to train local health workers to provide basic clinical tests to aide in community preventative and monitoring measures; each village that participated in the training was also provided a tool kit containing the necessary devices to sustain these activities. A prototype home designed to withstand the weather extremes of Haiti was built, serving as the pattern for future housing projects. Water wells were dug to provide potable water in Carries, Haiti for hundreds of people for years to come.

These accomplishments by Bridges Global Missions were made possible through funds raised from private efforts and donations.


Bridges Global Missions travels to areas where basic daily needs of food, water and shelter can be scarce or lacking. Our commission is to be able to provide those needs in a timely and expeditious manner.


We survey areas and work with local resources to assess a community’s needs. This global team works together to plan, gather supplies, and collaborate on meeting those identified needs. Our team members range from doctors, dentists, nurses, allied health professionals, teachers, students, administrators, photographers, writers, and those.
